With caffeine against dark circles

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Puffy eyes, dark circles, bags under the eyes and wrinkles – our eye area can sometimes be quite challenging, especially in the morning. The eye area is a part of the face that should always receive an extra dose of care.

The skin around the eyes is thinner, produces less collagen, and contains smaller blood vessels. As a result, it is more sensitive and lack of or incorrect care is immediately evident here. Dark circles under the eyes are one of the most complained blemishes of people of all ages. Because the skin around the eye area is so thin, veins and vessels show up more strongly. In combination with other influencing factors such as aging, genetics, poor nutrition or too little sleep, dark circles are worsened.

Of course, these blemishes can be visually covered with concealer. However, make-up products often settle unsightly in the wrinkles and the actual problem reappears after removing make-up. If you want to counteract dark circles in the long term, you should therefore start looking for a suitable eye care. A simple and inexpensive treatment could be for example, the application of cold compresses (e.g., with cool cucumber or ice), which temporarily constrict the blood vessels. But Eye creams sustainably reduce the appearance of dark circles by moisturizing and smoothing the skin around the eyes, as well as helping to strengthen the skin barrier.

Products enriched with ingredients such as caffeine have proven to be particularly effective. This is because they ensure that the vessels around the eyes contract and thus appear less blue and dark. Additional brightening active ingredients, gained from plants such as for example grapefruit, mulberry and algae, can also help to reduce dark circles when used regularly. For an unforgettable look into your eyes!