The four steps of skin cycling


Face Care

Skin Cycling promises a flawlessly beautiful skin in just four days. It is a nightly skin care method during 4 nights that uses different products in a very specific order to keep the skin in balance despite using formulations with power ingredients. Peelings are used as well as retinol, serums and creams. And this is how Skin Cycling works:

Night 1 - Exfoliation

Dermatologists are increasingly recommending the use of chemical exfoliators (AHAs and BHAs) because, unlike mechanical exfoliators, they are gentler on the skin and can still cleanse the pores more thoroughly.

Night 2 - Retinol-Serum

Retinol is considered as one of the most powerful ingredients used in the skin cycling routine. But if retinoids are used incorrectly or combined with other potentially irritating ingredients, it could lead to inflammation. Retinol can help to make the skin smoother and more even-toned as it can support to reduce wrinkles and pigmentation.

Night 3 & 4 - Nourish & Regenerate

The next two nights are all about restoring moisture to the skin. A moisturiser with active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerine, urea, niacinamide and ceramide is now the choice to make.

And afterwards? Back to square one!